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Ochyrotica kurandica Arenberger, 1988
Subfamily: OchyroticinaeGenus: Ochyrotica
Original description
Ochyrotica kurandica Arenberger spec. nov. (figs. 3, 13-16, 30)
Type material: Holotype ♂: [Australia]: N. Queensland, Kuranda,, Dodd, Genitalia slide Arenberger 3349 ♂ (BMNH). Paratypes: 2 ♂, 1 ♀, same locality, 4.iv.1905, Dodd, Genitalia slide Arenberger 3371 (BMNH).
Male, female (figs 3,13). - Wingspan 16 mm. Forewings in colour and pattern as in O. connexiva and O. celebica. However the costal band is as wide as in O. celebica, whereas the dorsal band has the shape as in O. connexiva: with a clear acute spot at 1/3 of the dorsal length. Differs from O. connexiva by the interruption of the dorsal band distally of the spot. The brown longitudinal lines in the distal wing part are far less distinct than in O. celebica. The colouring of the abdominal segments is as contrasted as in O. connexiva (figs. 3, 13).
Male genitalia (figs. 14, 15). - Shape of the valvae as in O. celebica. The saccular process, however, is strongly curved at mid-length, not at its tip. Further a spine, with the tip near the juxta, originates from the middle of the costal margin of the sacculus. Aedaeagus basally widest, gradually narrowing towards its tip. It is not as strongly bent as in O. celebica.
Female genitalia (fig. 16). - The anal margin of the seventh ternite slightly excavate, curved. Antrum, bursa copulatrix, the origin of the ductus seminalis and the apophyses all shaped as in O. connexiva.
Flight period. - April, June, July.
Distribution (fig. 30). - Australia: N. Queensland, Kuranda